Monday, November 14, 2011

 Failure refers to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. Success may mean, but is not limited to a level of social status, achievement of an objective or goal and the opposite of failure.

Failure is a step to Success

Many a great men and women failed once, twice and even thrice. But they did not mind being embarrassed and criticized. They got up to their feet, smiled and visualized. How could they triumph in the end, got successful, all right.  

Did you know that one of them was Thomas Edison? His teacher thought he was stupid to learn a lesson. But, the incandescent bulb he perseveringly worked on. He invented the phonograph, too with a fantastic tune.

A normal child speaks at two, but Albert Einstein did only at four. His teacher observed him to be dull and a bore. He failed an important examination, he was expelled from school. But you see, he became the greatest physicist to all. 

Another great scientist was Sir Isaac Newton. He geniously discovered the laws of relativity and motion. But when he was a child, in grade school he was the poor. His own mother did not even believe he could get a passing score.

One music composer was marked by his teacher hopeless. But became the master of music, in fact the greatest. Many admired Ludwig Van Beethoven’s symphonies. Sweet concertos, sonatas and chamber music, all master pieces.

Who has not read Jonathan Livingston Seagull? A book written by an internationally respected author. But did you know that Richard Bach was refused by 18 publishers at first. And published by another, selling 7 million and now at its best.

The 16th American President loved by many, Abraham Lincoln. Born poor, failed twice in business, and lost eight times in the election. Experienced a lot of defeats and suffered a nervous breakdown. But became the greatest U.S President no one will question.

The Moral of the lesson is very clear, not a tale. No one is perfect one time or another you may fail. But get up where you stumble, don’t ever wail. Be brave! Persevere, take risks and follow your success trail.

- M.N.U.O

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